Heart for Ohio — Ohio Ministry Network

Heart for Ohio


What is Heart for Ohio?

As a token of appreciation for Ohio churches who financially support Ohio Network Ministries, Heartland Conference and Retreat Center, and Ohio Church Multiplication, registration fees for major events sponsored by the Network will be waived* for lead pastors and credentialed AG ministers (and their spouses) who are in good standing with their Network tithes and who regularly attend or are on staff at a registered “Heart for Ohio” church.

These are the churches that follow the recommendations of the Ohio Ministry Network’s bylaws by financially supporting:

  • Network Ministries monthly with at least 1% of their general fund offerings

  • And a minimum of 2% for Heartland Conference Retreat Center and/or Ohio Church Multiplication (OMN bylaws recommend 1% each for Network Ministries, Heartland, and Ohio Church Multiplication)

This is our state board of presbyters’ way of saying a heartfelt thank you for the sacrificial and generous contributions these churches and their leaders send so faithfully. In good times and bad, these churches and their leaders make possible the vital and life-giving ministries we enjoy in the Ohio Ministry Network.

*Is there any fine print? Yes, such as:

  • This is for credentialed ministers and spouses only (or lead pastors if not yet credentialed)

  • This is for event registration only – housing, meals, travel, incidentals, etc., are not included

  • This discount cannot be applied until a Heart for Ohio pledge form has been received by the Network Resource Center for the applicable year

  • This discount is only available for advance registration, not for onsite registration. “Completely waived” only applies during the early bird registration period. After the early bird period ends, the HFO discount will only remove the early bird rate and the registration rate difference will be charged.

  • Ministers/spouses who register in advance but then fail to attend without notification to events@ohioministry.net prior to the start of the event will lose their HFO discount for the next three qualifying events.