Credentials — Ohio Ministry Network

Are Ministerial Credentials in Your Future?


New Credentials Orientation

New Credential Orientation or (NCO) takes place in-person each year at Synergy in March, and is available online year-round. It is for anyone who is interested in obtaining first-time credentials or who is new to the Ohio Ministry Network. You will meet many other people thinking, praying and preparing to transition into ministry. We explore the credential process, educational requirements, as well as the roles and responsibilities of being a minister.

The Spring NCO is held during our Synergy Conference.

NCO Online available year-round. Please reach out to to request your online access.

Reminder: If you are not close to completing the education for credentials, you may want to wait to attend. Credential candidates find it more beneficial to attend when they are close to finishing their credential courses or have completed them.  At the orientation, we will talk extensively about the application process steps, what is required, and deadlines for the next round of interviews.  You are more than welcome to attend if you have not completed the education requirements, but the deadlines and possibly some policies could change.

Credential Application Procedure

 The following steps are for ANYONE interested in obtaining first-time credentials:

Step 1: New Credentials Orientation (NCO)
NCO is held twice each year (March & August). CLICK HERE for more information and to register for the next NCO.

Step 2: Educational Requirements
All applicants must meet the appropriate educational requirements for the appropriate credential level.  Educational requirements can be met through a variety of customizable training venues.  (Note: It is recommended that your start or complete the education courses prior to attending a New Credentials Orientation.)

Step 3: Application 

When the applicant has attended NCO and completed all or most of the required education courses, they may receive and submit the first part of the application. This includes 1) the General Council application, 2) application fee 3) authorization forms, 4) background check disclosure, and 5) an acceptable report from the General Council required background/credit check.

Once these items are received, applicants will be sent part two of the application process which includes information about scheduling a relational meeting with the applicant’s area leaders, the exams, and reference forms, as well as a personal inventory/testimony form.

Step 4: Screening Committee Review
Upon receipt of all application items by the specified deadline, the applicant’s file will be examined by a Screening Committee. Upon the report of the committee, you may receive an email of invitation to meet with the Credentials Interview Committee.

Step 5: Credentials Interview
Interviews times are scheduled for the months of April & August.  Following the credentials interview, the Network Presbytery will vote and make a recommendation to the General Council Credentials Committee in regard to the granting of credentials.  Credentials will be effective upon General Council approval.

If you have questions related to this procedure, please contact us via the form below.

Options for Ministry Education and Training 

Recognizing the tremendous diversity of the Body of Christ and the ministers God is raising up all over Ohio and the nation, educational requirements for credentials with the Assemblies of God can be met through a variety of customizable training venues.


We are excited to announce that the Ohio Ministry Network has partnered with Assemblies of God Southeastern University to begin an accredited regional SEU Ohio Network Campus. To find out more information and to enroll:


The Ohio Ministry Network is also thrilled to offer all the necessary credentialing courses through convenient and economical weekend training venues at the Network Resource Center (in Columbus) on a monthly basis through the Ohio School of Ministry. This is a great way to learn from fellow Ohio leaders and to rub shoulders with other Ohio individuals who are exploring the call of God on their lives.

Additionally, the Network Presbytery grants credit towards credentialing for course work related to the credential courses endorsed by the Assemblies of God, completed at these fine Christian institutions* in the United States:

*Ashland College and Seminary
*Azusa Pacific University
*Beulah Heights University
*Cedarville University
*Cincinnati Christian University
*Clarks Summit University
*Dallas Theological Seminary
*Fuller Theological Seminary
*God’s Bible School & College
*Gordon College
*Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
*Indiana Wesleyan University
**Lee University
*Liberty University
*Malone University
*Moody Bible Institute
*Mt Vernon Nazarene University
*North Greenville University
*Nyack Bible Institute
*Ohio Christian University
*Oklahoma Wesleyan University
**Oral Roberts University
**Regent University
**Rhema Bible College
*Southeast Bible College
*Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
*The Kings University
*Trinity College & Seminary
**Valor Christian College
*Wheaton College & Seminary
*Winebrenner Theological Seminary

*Additional courses required for non-Pentecostal schools (if 4 year degree already received):

  • Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine

  • Acts

  • AG History, Missions, and Governance

  • Spirit Empowered Churches

  • Introduction to Theology

  • Eschatology

**Additional course required for non-AG Pentecostal schools after graduation (if 4 year degree already received):

  • A/G History, Missions, and Governance

  • Spirit Empowered Churches

Financial Requirements

By action of their respective deliberative bodies, ministers are expected to give financial support to the Ohio Ministry Network and the General Council of the Assemblies of God. See the bylaws excerpts below for specific requirements. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all active ministers. If contributions are in arrears, ministers shall be given opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.


Ohio Ministry Network Bylaws Article V. Finance, Section 2. Income a.
All credentialed ministers shall contribute no less than eighty (80) percent of their tithes as dues to the Network from both ministerial and secular incomes, forwarding the same to the executive finance officer each month. A minister who has an arrangement with his/her local church or ministry to forward his/her tithes/dues directly to the Network Resource Center is responsible to see that this is done on a timely basis.


Your Network tithes/dues can be paid online at or by mailing a check. DO NOT pay your General Council annual dues through this site.


General Council Bylaws Article VII. Ministry, Section 10. f.
Support of Headquarters. The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices.


The required minimum is:

  • Ordained – $25 per month ($300 per year)

  • Licensed – $20 per month ($240 per year)

  • Certified – $10 per month ($120 per year)

You can pay your General Council annual dues through your minister’s AG Passport reoccurring, or at the end of the year through the online renewal portal.

Transferring Out of Ohio

Click on the button below to initiate your transfer to another Assemblies of God district.

Transferring to Ohio

Ministers desiring to transfer their Assemblies of God credentials to the Ohio district, should first contact the executive secretary’s office of the current district where they hold their credentials.

Article VII Section 9

a. Certificate of transfer. When a member minister takes up residence in another district, a certificate of transfer shall be issued within 60 days by the district of which he or she is a member, unless there are charges pending against the minister. The certificate of transfer shall be accepted by the district into which the minister moves. Exceptions may be made for the following:

  1. Ministers moving to serve at the Assemblies of God National Leadership and Resource Center.

  2. Those who have attained the age of 60 and are no longer engaged in active ministry and those who have attained the age of 65 and are not pastoring a church.

  3. Those who are in the Armed Forces currently on active duty.

  4. Those who are serving on the staffs of schools affiliated with the General Council and district council or nonaffiliated schools acceptable to the General Council and the district council in which the school is located.

  5. Those who are appointed U.S. missionaries or world missionaries who are on furlough or on temporary assignment in the United States and reside in a district other than their home district.

  6. Ministers having membership in one district and a mailing address only in
    another district.

  7. Students in schools outside their home districts.

  8. Those who are serving in a non-Assemblies of God institution providing:

    • They have a regular scope of ministry which reaches beyond district

    • Both districts agree to the exception.

    • The institution is acceptable to both districts.

  9. Church planters involved in transdistrict ministry.

b. Transfers from Assemblies of God World Fellowship. A minister holding ordination (or equivalent) with a member group of the Assemblies of God World Fellowship may transfer his or her ordination to The General Council of the Assemblies of God if the following criteria are met:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the executive committee of the national church or equivalent letter of recommendation.

  2. A course on history and polity of U.S. church.

  3. A completed ministerial application.

c. Transcript. In order to assist a member minister who is transferring into another district, a transcript giving helpful information concerning the minister and his or her spouse should accompany the certificate of transfer.

d. Transfers between language/ethnic districts and geographical districts. Credential holders from language/ethnic districts may transfer to geographical districts and credential holders from geographical districts may transfer to language/ethnic districts provided the credential holder is serving as a pastor or staff member of a church in the district that the credential holder desires to transfer to. In instances where the credential holder is not a pastor or staff member of a church in the district to which the credential holder is transferring, both districts shall agree to the transfer. Credential holders must settle their district financial obligations before transfers are granted. The credential holder shall have a right of appeal to the General Council Credentials Committee in the event either district recommends denial of the transfer.

Credential Upgrade

A credential upgrade is for those who currently hold a credential with The General Council of the Assemblies of God.

Any individual previously credentialed through another AG district who is now seeking a credentials upgrade for the first time in Ohio must first attend a New Credentials Orientation (NCO).

The following text from the General Council Bylaws provides qualifications for the licensed and ordained minister:

Specific Qualifications (GC Bylaws Article VII, Section 3. d & e)

Licensed minister.  Qualifications for license shall include clear evidence of a divine call, character and preparation suitable for that calling, practical ministry experience, and an evident purpose to devote one’s life in service to the proclamation of the Gospel.

Please contact the network secretary’s office via the form below for an upgrade application once you fulfill the above requirements for the Licensed level.

Ordained minister.  

  • Applicants must be 23 years of age or older.

  • No person may be ordained to the ministry until he or she has shown evidence of a divine call and has held ministry license and has been actively engaged in ministry and proclamation of the Gospel for at least two full consecutive years immediately prior thereto.

  • Applicants must be residents of or hold credentials in the district where they make application and appear before its credentials committee, and shall have been a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination at least one year.

  • In order to maintain active status, ordained ministers shall be engaged in viable ministry and proclamation of the Gospel except for cases of disability, retirement, or other valid circumstances as determined by the general secretary.

Those interested in becoming ordained must first attend the mandatory Ordination Overview, which is held online in June. Information about Ordination Overview is emailed to those who qualify each year in February.

Reinstatement of Credentials

Ministers seeking reinstatement should request a reinstatement application from the network secretary’s office, and will subsequently be invited for an interview with a credentials interview committee. Those seeking reinstatement after seven or more years will be required to take an examination.

Excerpts from the General Council Bylaws regarding reinstatement are provided below:

  • Reinstatement of lapsed minister (GC Bylaws Article VII, Section 10.d.)
    Ministers whose renewal applications are not postmarked by January 15 shall be recorded as lapsed as of December 31. They must make application for reinstatement and pay a nonrefundable fee of $100. Contact the executive secretary’s office to request a reinstatement packet.

  • Reinstatement of other than dismissed minister (GC Bylaws Article VII, Section 10.e.)
    When a minister who is a member of our Fellowship is removed from our rolls for any cause, except failure to renew and dismissal, and shall apply for reinstatement, he or she shall not be eligible for reinstatement until at least 6 months have elapsed after his or her name has been stricken from our list of ministers. The application must be made in the district where the minister resides and be accompanied with a nonrefundable fee of $100. The minister shall seek a letter of clearance from the district that processed the termination (if other than Ohio) and forward it to the Ohio Ministry Network Resource Center.


Thank you for your interest in exploring credentialing opportunities with the Assemblies of God.  This season of Kingdom expansion in Ohio requires a growing force of gifted and committed laborers!

New Credential Orientation
Application Procedure
Educational Options
Financial Requirements
Transfer of Credentials
Credentials Upgrade
Annual Renewal

Annual Renewals

Credentials granted through the Ohio Ministry Network by the General Council of the Assemblies of God are renewed on an annual basis, by December 31 of each year.

To Renew Your Credentials:

This year, the National Office will NOT be sending any paper renewals. Please submit your renewal ONLINE here . If there is an extenuating circumstance that would necessitate a paper renewal, please reach out to by November 15th so that we can mail you a copy.


  • Ordained = $300

  • Licensed = $240

  • Certified = $120

Items to Note:

  • Renewals postmarked after December 31st will require a $50 late fee ($25 to Ohio Ministry Network, $25 to National Office).

  • Credential will be considered lapsed if renewal is not received by January 15 and will require reinstatement.

  • You can pay your GC dues when you renew online at the end of the year, set up a reoccurring payment through AG Accounts, or send a check to the National Office.

The following excerpts from the General Council Bylaws address credential renewals:


General Council Bylaws Article VII, Section 10, Credential Renewals
b. Expiration date. All fellowship certificates are valid only until December 31 of each year and must be renewed annually. The renewing of credentials is the responsibility of the individual minister.

The minister is to complete the form, taking care to answer all questions and sign the form. The renewal along with any outstanding tithe, should be mailed to the Ohio Ministry Network Resource Center postmarked no later than December 31 of each year. If General Council dues are owed, please include a separate check made payable to the General Council.